where STEM comes to play
The Story of Catlilli Games
Catlilli Games is a labor of love dedicated to enhancing public knowledge of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).
Originally co-founded in 2015 by a neurobiologist (Catherine Croft, Ph.D.) and civil engineer (Jonathan Nardolilli) who transitioned to careers in education, Catlilli creates modern family board games that are primarily designed to be fun. However, our game mechanics reflect key STEM concepts which allow us to sneak in learning. Instead of traditional educational games which convey knowledge through facts or trivia, players learn by gameplay. Our games can be utilized flexibly, either by teachers or families just looking to have a fun game night.
Over the years Catlilli has grown with the addition of interns from the Computer Game Design program at George Mason University. We are now a small team of people who pour their hearts into fun, accessible board game design. Current game developers and artists include Keegan Herschel, Elizabeth Cherry, Gabriel Lewis, Lisa Harrison, and Xander Schaaf.